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who are we?

One dream

Four rafts

Five friends

Endless pun....(s)


I love the water and I love the mountains, so packrafting is a dream come true. Getting the opportunity to explore one of the most stunning and remote parts of the Iceland is going to be unbelievable.


I'm also looking forward to trying to crowbar a good pun in at every opportunity.


I can't wait to get packing!


Master both on an off the water. Need I say more?


I more recent addition to the #ThereAndPackAgain Team, Kieran is still not sure what he's let himself in for. 


Kieran's vast knowledge of 'Jurassic Park' will prove invaluable in the event we are attacked by a wondering T-Rex.


Glaswegian charm goes a long way... Sometimes even all the way to Iceland!


Jordan has offered to fly his plane over to Iceland for a bit of reconnaissance, unfortunately the Vatnajokull National Park doesn't allow drones... And he does go on a bit...


Also, he loves puns.



Welsh paddler, A.K.A Ewan.


Likes his Sweet Autonomy hat way too much, probably because it brands him as the pro paddler he is.


Fun fact: Iwan can actually speak fluent Welsh - provided his more attractive half, Kath reminds him from time to time.


Pretty crazy, right so I had this little idea about using packrafts to explore the Icelandic Highlands… and now we're actually going!?


You can’t be unhappy paddling down beautiful rivers, crossing a mysterious lake and taking in the views from above! Looking forward to big smiles and big adventures, I’ll be the one singing… all the time!


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